nowhere to go, nothing to do

Resources and destinations are restricted but creativity is still free. These works, created in and of confinement, are maps of interior and exterior worlds drawn, lost and reclaimed.

Artist: Andrés Agudelo Ganem

Exhibition / Illustrations

Briesestraße 19, 12053 – James
Berlin, Germany

Vernissage / 2020.10.02 7-9.30pm

Andrés Agudelo Ganem

These drawings were made during different types of isolation: both individual and social. They are familiar, recognizable.

They are unconscious and somewhat automatic drawings. They are mental and physical maps. They show possible minds and places. Like memory, they transform and grow but also fade away and disappear. They are unique and at the same time universal.

If this work is about identity, then i question if these drawings identify me as an artist, do they give account of a persons existence? are these maps a footprint of humanity?

I do these drawings when I have nowhere to go and nothing to do.

MAP-1 piece

Illustration. Fineliner on paper. 70x50cm

MAP-12 pieces

Illustrations. Fineliner on paper. 42×29,7cm / 12 Pieces

MAP – 9 pieces

Illustrations. Fineliner on paper and fabric. 42×29,7cm / 9 Pieces

Gallery / James / Briesestraße 19, 12053 – Berlin-Neukölln, Germany