„Jede_r ist anders, keine_r ist gleich.“

“Everyone is different, no one is the same”

Wilhelm von Humboldt Gemeinschaftsschule – Berlin, Prenzlauerberg.

22 Children / 1st to 3th Grade (6-9 years old)

February – July 2024

Dance teachers: Heike Kuhlmann und Theresa Diehl

Scenography: Maria Fernanda Agudelo Ganem

Music: Fritz Bayer

Die Veranstaltung wird gefördert von ChanceTanz, einem Projekt von „Aktion Tanz – Bundesverband Tanz in Bildung und Gesellschaft e. V.“ im Rahmen des Programms „Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung“ des BMBF.

As an inclusive and participatory project, we deliberately focus on the question of “equality and diversity” in order to offer the children a space in which they can experience themselves as valuable and independent individuals. Strengthening them in this can have a social impact.

With Tanz-Start, we provide an introduction to the world of dance. The dance teachers work with a playful approach to dance, in which the basic principles of creative movement processes are introduced. Moving from the outside into the inside, feeling into one’s own body or moving autonomously from the inside outwards, offers a wide range of movement possibilities and at the same time a conscious perception of the self and the other person/other people.

It is important for the children to be given time to feel themselves through movement and dance, in a physical way and thus to experience themselves as a whole. Experiential anatomy – based on Body-Mind Centering® – supports the teaching of dance by training a finer perception of the body.

At the same time, the dance teachers invite the children to expand their own movement repertoire by guiding them through specific movements and movement sequences, thereby increasing their movement skills and expressive possibilities.

The Förderverein’s school is an integration school in which children with disabilities learn together with children without disabilities. The learning groups include children with ADHD, attachment problems, gifted children and children with trisomy 21.

The project invites the children to find access to themselves through movement and to express themselves in and with the group through dance. It creates a framework in which the children dare to feel and show themselves. This is a very sensitive space that the dance teachers first have to create together with the children and maintain through common rules so that the children can discover themselves in dance. The annual motto of the school and the project is the realization that everyone is different and the practical search for how this can and may be dealt with together.

The joint production of the scenography is also part of the work. In this way, the children learn and experience their own possibilities for spatial production and design.

In addition to attending two dance events, there are two workshops for parents and children. This joint movement program with parents and children, based on Contact Improvisation, invites the caregivers to experience themselves in movement and to come into contact with their child in a different way. The roles can thus dissolve for the moment of the lesson and at the same time have an effect beyond it. The value of moving and touching together can be experienced in these workshops.

Fotos: Ludger Storcks and Maria Fernanda Agudelo Ganem