Collaboration with Colectivo Ayllu Participation in POPS – Program


Andrés Pinto


Colectivo Ayllu is a group of migrant (a)sexually dissident racialized people formed in 2009 in Madrid, Spain. The collective brings together mostly people of the diaspora from the former/current Spanish colonial territories. The action of the collective revolves around collaborative research and artistic-political action focused on a powerful critique of White supremacy and the European colonial hetero/homo_normative project.


POPS [Programa Orientado a Prácticas Subalternas]
[Program Orientated to Subaltern Practices]

POPS is a yearly residency program for racialized activists, artists and researchers created by Colectivo Ayllu. The program is a space for critical thinking and practicing, and it takes place once a month over a year period; each session is lead by a visiting professor, artist or activist. The sessions include conferences, research workshops and sensorial work. In the end, the program participants present a final research work in an experimental format.

Involvement and resources
Andrés collaboration with Colectivo Ayllu and subsequent participation in the POPS program are the results of an organic encounter in vulnerabilities and strengths in which ideas, experiences and research join. Also, the fact that Colectivo Ayllu and POPS constitute spaces by and for racialized people establishes a whole new environment for exchange and creation. The present edition of POPS is focused on four main realms of study that coincide with my analytic interests: corporal, sexual and racial resistances; trans* epistemologies; ancestral practices and cosmologies; critique of Whiteness.

POPS sessions have been lead by Yuderkys Espinosa Miñoso, Michelle Mattiuzzi, Daniel Coleman, Elvira Dyangani Ose, Moira Millán, Gabi Ngcobo. Currently, the work of Colectivo Ayllu and POPS is focused on migration, dis_placements and confinement, and we are working on a joint art piece that will be presented in Madrid in November 2020.