Andrés Pinto Álvaro

Researcher and activist. Political Scientist / Investigador y activista. Politólogo.

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Andrés Pinto Álvaro researches on racism and sexual identity. Currently, he is writing a PhD on everyday racisms around human and sexual rights at Humboldt University Berlin. He holds a masters degree in political science from Free University Berlin. Since 2010 he works with the dance collective Zeta in Quito, Ecuador. Zeta is a non-profit initiative that produces dance and theatre pieces and offers classes for children, youth and adults. In 2017 he started alongside different artists a series of art and dance workshops for children and youth in situation of refuge in Berlin, Germany. Since 2019 he collaborates with Ayllu Collective in Madrid, Spain. Ayllu is a group of racialized, sexually dissident people from the Latin American diaspora that undertakes research and artistic-political action focused on anti-racism and a critique of White supremacy.