
Fabian Pimpl & Paula Haentjes

Urban Designers based in Hamburg

Critical Spatialities Residency Programm 2024

Blanca, Murcia – Spain

WHAT ABOUT 4774784849?

With this title for our exhibition we are referring to a piece of land in southern Spain, that is part of the ancient irrigation system of the times of Al Andalus, but that is at the very same time confronted with a totally unknown future. BETWEEN AN ANCIENT PAST AND AN UNKNOWN FUTURE. The factors of uncertainty are huge and many:

What about tiny agricultural parcels when our consume is dependent on the fastest and cheapest harvesting and maintaining practices that are created by huge machines in huge monocultural fields?

What about an ancient but local irrigation system, when billions of litres of water are implemented in the very same region from a river that has a distance of several hundreds kilometers?

What about to an ancient but local irrigation system, when climate change is producing more and longer droughts so that it is not possible anymore to transport billons of litres of water from other regions?

What about agricultural land when the old ones are too old to maintain it and the young ones do not want to maintain it? What about agricultural land when we do not have agricultural knowledge?

January water, every drop is worth money” / “Come rainy February, even if it comes furious” / “March of heavy rains, a very unhappy year” / “In April, a thousand waters and they all fit in a barrel” / “Water in May, bread for the whole year” / “Water in June, misfortune” / “In July the boy, from the azequia to the pot” / “Water in August, saffron, honey and must” / „September, or carries the bridges or dries the fountains” / “Rainy October, copious year” / “San Andrés, water or snow will bring” / “December, ice and snow if you want to have a good year next year”.

4774784849 TAHWILA